State of the Habit

If you’ve followed me so far, you can look back and see I’ve hit my goal for five days in a row. One of the most crucial aspects of adding an activity to your daily routine is figuring out the best time for the thing. I used to think any intellectual labor needs to be done in the morning, but I’ve pretty much got the morning blocked out by prayer, exercise, stretching, and showering, because I’ll never be able to do all of those if I don’t at least start before the children wake up, and I don’t want to start waking up at 4:00 a.m. So far the best time for sitting down to write seems to be right after the three-year-old lays down for an afternoon nap. I sit by the computer with a cup of coffee, a seltzer water, and a large cup of regular water lined up for hydration.

On Friday I had a fresh story to tell, which made writing a longer post easier, but for the sake of not taking on too much, I’m only going to hold myself accountable to the 100 at least through Christmas, no matter how boring that is for anyone reading. Long term I may attempt to write Monday through Friday and not worry about the weekends, but for now I’m going to try not to ease up on the daily goal to help solidify the pattern. Anyway, Happy Second Sunday of Advent. See you next time.